Decency in Tech

Pull Requests kicked around and asked apart, questions flinged at a presenter after the “thank you” slide, that judgmental moment of silence after an ill-placed question. Does decency have a place in tech? A question I asked myself 3 years ago, and finally some answers.

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Contributing to Society, Part 1: Money

It has been troubling me what constitutes making a contribution to society. Is it going to work? Is it making art? Is it being a helpful neighbor? Since I’m benefiting from a working society, I sure would want to secure that it keeps thriving, possibly even help elevating it to the next level.

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Motivational Tides

I find motivation at work to adhere to certain laws. How can motivation be fostered and how is it drowned? A quick read on the aspect of variance and choice.

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life  english  work 

Inspiring Figures

For many years now I really enjoy following inspirational figures of our time. In this post I’d like take the time to highlight my personal favorites and show how they relate to each other.

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School and Agile

A quick read on 3 major differences I found between work in school and work in adult life, specifically in my context of working agile.

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Nouns and Verbs

In our beloved western societies we are very much goal oriented. Things are achieved mostly by communicating goals and commandments, together with a demand of fulfillment.

Since goal-orientation is everywhere it can be a challenge to even notice that it is constantly going on, and differentiate “normal” advice with advice that is actually helpful.

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