Becoming Greener, Episode I

Some notes on recent steps I’ve taken to become less eco-damaging.

So far:

  • ✓ Orange juice and energy drinks only from multi-purpose glass bottles.
    • Used to buy the cheaper PET version of the orange-juice and a more popular canned version of the energy drink.
    • I still buy the occasional beer can.
  • Switched to mostly cheese for breakfast and dinner. Salami or chicken only for the rare craving.
  • ✓ Tried a unverpackt shop. The soap was great, decided to switch to hard soap from now on to consume less plastic packaging. The shampoo wasn’t great, will need to stick with regular shampoo bottles.
  • Order food less often. Delivered food comes in lots of packaging which goes straight to the garbage can. Also it is more expensive than homecooked food.
  • Pick furniture made from natural wood harvested from sustainable forestry. Possibly the most eco-friendly kind of furniture.

Next up:

  • ⚠ Purchase cheese from the fresh counter to try and save on cheese packaging.
  • ⚠ Buy less candy which is individually wrapped.
  • Cook more myself, learn more recipes.
  • ⚠ Find a solution for my coffee making. I currently use a Nespresso machine which produces tons of waste. I however really don’t like the french-press coffee, it’s too weak and too stale. Maybe I’ll buy a proper Espresso machine.


  • Try a different way of travelling for the next vacation. Instead of going by plane, plan a “travel-trip” and also explore the cities which lie on the way and stay there for a while. This way a long travel distance could be split up in some sort of exploration of its own.
  • Don’t buy that new tech gadget which I don’t really need. I considered buying an e-reader, but I don’t really need it and these devices don’t get recycled.

Maybe a bit of background to myself. I never considered myself a green person or took great care of not harming the environment with my purchases. This topic is completely new for me and possibly based on a new awareness of these things caused by the Fridays for future movement.

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