Love & Romance

Slowly slipping into my thirties I’m talking more to people about marriage and dating. What is there to say about the underlying issue of love and romance, when time runs out and it’s time to mingle?

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life  love  romance 

Considerations about Death

Generally the topic of death is largely invisible in our society. Dead people are transported off of hospitals only during the night, millions are spend on artificial teeth every year and old people take medication during family gatherings to temporarily overshadow the effect of “old people diseases” like Alzheimer’s. Decay in general pains us and is masked out.

But even though we try to avoid death itself and we generally don’t wish it on anybody, which useful things can we draw from considering death?

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Contributing to Society, Part 1: Money

It has been troubling me what constitutes making a contribution to society. Is it going to work? Is it making art? Is it being a helpful neighbor? Since I’m benefiting from a working society, I sure would want to secure that it keeps thriving, possibly even help elevating it to the next level.

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Motivational Tides

I find motivation at work to adhere to certain laws. How can motivation be fostered and how is it drowned? A quick read on the aspect of variance and choice.

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life  english  work 

Our thoughts are not free

Opposite to the traditional German folk song “Die Gedanken sind frei” (All thoughts are free) I claim otherwise. I will explain this in strictly logical terms, giving examples and scientific evidence, while the insight itself only came after long meditation.

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Inspiring Figures

For many years now I really enjoy following inspirational figures of our time. In this post I’d like take the time to highlight my personal favorites and show how they relate to each other.

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