Martial Art Knowledge: Tai Chi

Getting by Tai Chi knowledge is not so easy. Most teachers (of the far east) are stingy with their knowledge. But it is a dying martial art, so the knowledge is slowly forgotten. And not everybody has such amount of time to learn. So let me share the best learning resources I know.

Me personally I am learning the Yang Style, so these resources will be centered around that.

Yang Cheng Fu, (

The image depicts Yang Cheng Fu, grandson of Yang Luchan, the founder of the Yang family style. It is the most popular Tai Chi style, and he is one of the most widely known early teachers.

Learning Resources:

Last but not least: The concept of the inner teacher. Feel free to give this idea a go, and follow the natural movement of your body. If you go deep enough into this and let go, you will find your inner teacher. He knows everything that needs to be known at every point of your training, and he can gently guide your movement to greater heights.

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